This is a peek at “something entirely different” from the usual fare of the Silverman Gallery, with its descriptive tag line: “Bucks County Impressionist Art.” Neither Impressionist nor Bucks County, it is influenced by the impact of thousands of works of art seen throughout the artist’s life. Rhonda decided it was time for her own Fine Art Friday interview!
1. What are you currently working on?
Navigating the gallery through the rough waters of COVID-19 and a diminished economy is ever present in my mind and in my thoughts and troubled dreams. Staying at home, painting did not come easily.
However, I am satisfied with the paintings shown below, completed this spring. Started last year and set aside, it was time to take a new look at them and see if they were worth “resolving” – one of my favorite art-related words borrowed from Joseph Barrett. Each one is 24 inches square, they are titled “Striking the Chord I and II” – from their conception, designed to be a pair.
2. Which piece of your work are you most proud of?
“For The Birds” (24 x 36 inches, acrylic on canvas) was one of the largest paintings I’d ever done to date, painted in NM while on vacation in August of 2016. It combined many of the elements that seemed much simpler in my smaller work . . . lines, washes, repeated patterns and shapes It began as purely abstract, with the beaks and eyes showing up almost by magic. I am so thrilled that it lives in the home of one of my friends, the very talented artist, Lois Schlachter!
“Bow Tie” shown above in the Fine Art Friday header, is a more recent large format painting, 48 x 24 inches.
3. If you could magically have, all to yourself, any piece of art that you’ve ever seen in person, what would it be? (Something that moved you, gave you goosebumps.)
This was very tough to pick. I remember spotting this little treasure by Kandinsky at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC last April . . . it made my knees go all wobbly! “Little Accents” (1940) is only 12 5/8 x 16 1/2 inches, beautifully framed and cheerfully positioned to say hello to me as I rounded a corner.
Always a fan of jewelry and calligraphy, I’ve long appreciated the tiniest details in a piece of art. The little shapes here are perhaps strung along a floating miniature abstract clothes line. Or are they a rendering of charms for a stunning, layered necklace? Kandinsky’s connection to music is evident – twinkling, colorful little notes and chirps abound. To me, purely delightful!
4. What has been the hardest part of being at home during Covid-19?
I am struck by how different and yet the same our experiences are during this time. There is no doubt that I have so much to be thankful for.
Closing the gallery on March 14th was heart wrenching. Who would have ever thought that the closed sign would not be turned around again for almost three months? I sure didn’t. I cried at the cancellation of my June plans to fly to New Mexico to see family and spend a week painting in Georgia O’Keefe country. It’s August and I don’t have any idea on when I will be there again. It is where I always recharge.
5. What has been the silver lining?
At home, my husband and I cooked and we ate together almost every meal. We worked from home, ordered groceries online, played Rummikub, watched movies and chatted on the phone with family and friends.
As I mentioned above in answering question #1, new work did come easily. It was more fun to paint our family’s corn hole game boards with my husband. Neighbors now stopped in for a game, easily social distancing with each board placed 33 feet apart. We sat apart in the lawn with our cocktails afterwards, overwhelmed by the excitement of competition. Also, my son and I painted and spruced up my office in the gallery. I moved and reorganized everything, awaiting the day to finally reopen.
Stop by when you’re in the area, or call or e-mail to set up an appointment for a private visit.
Your safety is our top priority and surfaces will be sanitized between visitors.
Visit our exhibition by Lahaska’s Joseph Barrett and Bucks County Folk Artist, H. “Mitch” Michener. Work by all of our gallery’s fine artists is featured in the front gallery, many more paintings and mosaics are available to view on the website.
NOTE: The Jim Rodgers Solo Exhibition will open this September.
Please call or e-mail us if there’s something of interest
and we’ll be happy to hold it for you until you can see it in person.
215-794-4300 | [email protected]