Desmond’s work has a quiet presence all of its own, drawing you in to see the world through his eyes and imagination. Enjoy!
1. What are you currently working on?
A yellow finch makes occasional visits to my backyard. Its yellow and black coloration is remarkably beautiful. I decided to pay homage to my visitor with a portrait. I did a charcoal drawing on canvas and then sealed the drawing with a wash of amber varnish. I painted the bird and foliage in oil . . . the abstracted flowers give the impression of something Japanese. This painting will be in my show at the gallery this November. Please stop by to see it in person.
(Shown above and below, a sampling of Desmond’s newest work coming to the gallery for his November 2020 Solo Exhibition.)
2. Which piece of your work are you most proud of?
Although I find myself painting in different styles and appreciate many other styles (see question #3), I am most fond of the paintings of American Tonalism movement. The paintings of this late 19th and early 20th century school have a wonderful numinous quality. I am most proud of Fog on Lower Creek because it is my most successful painting in that tradition. The painting was chosen by Moravian College in Bethlehem for their Payne Gallery collection.
3. If you could magically have, all to yourself, any piece of art that you’ve ever seen in person, what would it be? (Something that moved you, gave you goosebumps.)
Nearly every year my wife and I go to Rome, and I always make a point to visit the paintings of Caravaggio in the museums and churches of that ancient, magnificent city. The highlight is a visit to the church of San Luigi dei Francese. In the church there are three paintings by Caravaggio dealing with the life of St. Matthew. All are awe inspiring, but my favorite is San Matteo e l’angelo (St. Matthew and the Angel, 1602). The painting depicts St. Matthew receiving inspiration in the writing of his gospel. Caravaggio was famous for the fantastic way he used light and dark to structure his paintings. The color, the drawing of the anatomy, the dramatic composition, the details (the relationship of the hands of the angel to the hands of the saint, the tilting of the bench into the viewer’s space) . . . it is, as the Italians say, a “capolavoro” – a masterpiece.
My wife and I enjoy traveling. We enjoy meeting friends for dinner. Unfortunately, those things are out. All in all, though, we are very, very fortunate. No family members or friends have had the disease. My wife and I are retired so we have the freedom to stay at home. And, I have to say, I miss seeing visitors and the other artists at gallery opening receptions.
5. What has been the silver lining?
When this whole Covid-19 thing is over, my wife and I will have a greater appreciation for the things we took for granted: embracing family and friends, plane trips, dinners in a restaurant, and simply being worry-free among people.
(Shown above, a favorite painting springing from one of Desmond’s trips to Italy: Ponte Vecchio, (18 x 24 in., o/b) in a collection in Doylestown, PA)
Stop by when you’re in the area, or call or e-mail to set up an appointment for a private visit.
Your safety is our top priority and surfaces will be sanitized between visitors.
Visit our exhibition by Lahaska’s Joseph Barrett and Bucks County Folk Artist, H. “Mitch” Michener. Work by all of our gallery’s fine artists is featured in the front gallery, many more paintings and mosaics are available to view on the website.
NOTE: The Jim Rodgers Solo Exhibition will open this September.
Please call or e-mail us if there’s something of interest
and we’ll be happy to hold it for you until you can see it in person.
215-794-4300 | [email protected]