The work of Jim Rodgers draws you in from across the room and when you get close there is a lovely surprise waiting for you. All of a sudden you can take in all of the loose, lively and multicolored brushwork, each stroke visible and luscious.
Truly a master of his craft, he prefers to be up and out early, heading towards the setting for his next painting.
1. What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working towards a show that I’m going to have in September at the Silverman Gallery. Originally scheduled for May, this has given me time to add a few paintings to the roster.
Grand Central (above) is 30 x 30 inches, oil on board
First Light, Upper Bucks (below) is 24 x 20 inches, oil on board
2. Which piece of your work are you most proud of?
For me personally the technique of painting is what I concern myself with. The actual fruition of the piece is what the customers concern themselves with. I always think my best painting is my next painting. I wouldn’t say that I’m most proud of Breakfast in London, but it’s a painting of my wife and brother. I believe I captured the light and color and the energy of what I felt at the moment.
P.S. I then sat down and had a full English breakfast.
3. If you could magically have, all to yourself, any piece of art that you’ve ever seen in person, what would it be? (Something that moved you, gave you goosebumps.)
Any painting by George Inness, who has been my idol since I saw his Peace and Plenty at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC at the young age of 12 years old. I said to myself, “This is what I see in my head… can I somehow teach myself to put it on canvas?”
4. What has been the hardest part of being at home during Covid-19?
My wife and I would periodically go to the mall or cafés so that I could draw the patrons of these establishments. I’m currently drawing indoors to do figurative work online but I can still go out to the countryside and do my landscape drawings en plein air.
5. What has been the silver lining?
With the slow down I’m able to focus on experimenting to advance my style. When you’re painting for clients you have to stay inside of the parameters of what you know. You don’t normally get the opportunity to express yourself with all of your flaws from experimenting.
(Jim’s Lahaska, Sundown truly is a silver lining for everyone to enjoy!)
You are invited to visit the gallery during the month of September and enjoy a wonderful array of new work by Jim Rodgers. You may make an appointment for a private viewing, view the collection on our website or call ahead to stop in if you’re in the area. We’re all wearing masks and social distancing to do our part in keeping everyone safe.
Jim will be on hand to meet and greet visitors
on two different weekends:
Saturday, September 12th, from one to five pm
Sunday, September 20th, from noon to four pm
Stop by when you’re in the area, or call or e-mail to set up an appointment for a private visit.
Your safety is our top priority and surfaces will be sanitized between visitors.
NOTE: Our Jim Rodgers Solo Exhibition will run the month of September. Stay tuned for more information!
Contact us if there’s something of interest, we’ll be happy to hold it for you until you can see it in person.
215-794-4300 | [email protected]