1. What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on an oil painting of a tree, shown above. It’s impressionist in approach, but expressionistic in color palette. I’m exploring predominantly using aquas in the foliage and pushing and pulling the concept of foreground and background.
2. Which piece of your work are you most proud of?
I think I’m most proud of a painting I did called Weeping Willow I, it’s a 20 x 16″ oil painting. I was having a particularly hard time with a whole lot of emotions going on the day I painted it. I was angry, sad, and frustrated all in one. I hadn’t gotten out in the studio all day, so I was feeling very tense as well. So, I had this idea to paint an expressionistic landscape and with all of those emotions swirling around, and they helped fuel my creativity. The brushstrokes flowed quickly, and I was able to take those negative emotions and turn them into something positive. Due to the closeness I have to this piece, and I don’t do this very often, this painting is not for sale. I do have Weeping Willow I, a 16 x 12″ painting based off of this piece, that is available at the gallery.
3. If you could magically have, all to yourself, any piece of art that you’ve ever seen in person, what would it be? (Something that moved you, gave you goosebumps.)
Van Gogh’s Starry Night. I know that it’s so many people’s favorite painting, but it really speaks to me as an artist. Just recently I saw this painting in person and I’m so glad that I did because I saw things in it up close that I’d never seen before from a picture in a book. I could see the raw canvas that he used peeking from underneath the paint, the effects that time has had on the painting and more details and idiosyncrasies in the range of colors and the order in which he had used them. I stood in front of it for so long and looked at it from so many angles that I couldn’t help but wish that I could just jump into the painting and become a part of it. I’m so glad I got to take this zoomed in photo of his brushstrokes.
Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night has been a beloved painting at The Museum of Modern Art in NYC since 1941.
I would say the fact that everyone in my family is working around me as my studio is in my home. Even though I love them to pieces, it is definitely a bit distracting and harder for me to get in the zone; especially when I’m at a time in my career where I’m experimenting with new concepts. It can all be a bit disorienting.
5. What has been the silver lining?
Alternatively, it’s nice to have my family at home, especially at mealtime. It’s also great that my daughter, Emma, is interning for me this summer. She’s been working on social media posts, filming documentaries, and designing new postcards for me. I’m really pleased with the work that she’s been doing and am thrilled with seeing her creativity. It’s a joy to be working with her.
Stop by when you’re in the area, or call or e-mail to set up an appointment for a private visit.
Your safety is our top priority and surfaces will be sanitized between visitors.
Visit our exhibition by Lahaska’s Joseph Barrett and Bucks County Folk Artist, H. “Mitch” Michener. Work by all of our gallery’s fine artists is featured in the front gallery, many more paintings and mosaics are available to view on the website.
NOTE: The Jim Rodgers Solo Exhibition will open this September.
Please call or e-mail us if there’s something of interest
and we’ll be happy to hold it for you until you can see it in person.
215-794-4300 | [email protected]